Make your cleanse a cake walk...minus the cake

Make your cleanse a cake walk...minus the cake

Gigi inspired me to start a thorough Spring cleaning from within. I attend the monthly Green Lodge Goddess gatherings organized by The Stoned Housewife and Luminous Collections and it brings together total babes mainly in the cannabis industry. I will have to post more about the power and connection these meet ups bring, but in April one of the women who spoke there was talking about how connected we are with the earth and it really resonated with me because I had been ferociously cleaning under the Taurus new moon and noticing that I feel best when I am following along with the stars and eating what is fresh and local that comes from the earth’s natural, seasonal cycles. So naturally spring is a time for detoxifying plants and cleaning all around and within. 

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This One Change Can Help Alleviate Period Symptoms

This One Change Can Help Alleviate Period Symptoms

Yea I know I don’t like the idea of giving up my morning coffee either, but when it comes to our period symptoms it isn’t doing us any favors. I know you're totally thinking that that cup of caffeine surely only helps awaken you and get you moving while your period leaves you feeling fatigued and groggy, but I hate to break it to you my friends there are a number of reasons to stay clear. 

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Fast Fitness Tips
Health, Style, Wellness Health, Style, Wellness

Fast Fitness Tips

There is no “get fit quick” or “lose weight fast” regime that is healthy, sustainable, and that sticks. It’s all about lifestyle changes. That is the ONLY way to reach your fitness goals and stay there. We all want to look and feel our best and it’s all about getting to where you feel good in your own skin. It takes about 6 weeks to see results from changing your lifestyle and upping your workout regime and unfortunately a lot of women give up before then. 

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How To Avoid The  Number One Mistake Often Made When Finishing Up A Cleanse
Health, Wellness Health, Wellness

How To Avoid The Number One Mistake Often Made When Finishing Up A Cleanse

Ah yes! You did it. You reached the promise land. No more sipping on herbal tea when all you really want is a big cup of coffee. No more trying to convince yourself and your friends that your afternoon detox greens are as satisfying as the poke bowls they all just chowed down in front of you at lunch. During the course of that 60 minuet meal you know it crossed your mind at least a dozen times to just say F*CK IT! Your inner dialogue all like 

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Hemp History Week

Hemp History Week

HEMP!!! What is hemp? I believe Hemp is the most versatile and valuable crop that exists. It can be extracted into a powerful concentrated oil that is healing people all across the nation, it can be used  to make paper, clothing, building materials, biofuels and anything that is made out of plastic AKA if our nation didn't restrict hemp a majority of our products would be in hemp packaging today instead of horrible plastic. 

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